
Archive for September, 2010

Because I adore all things gnomish — especially after having spent a year writing a YA novel about a warrior gnome’s quest to follow his beloved across the US even though he is too short to drive — I’m pretty excited about Chuck Sambuchino’s new book, When Garden Gnomes Attack.

I am even more excited that it is going to be featured in the upcoming issue of Reader’s Digest. I am taking this as an implicit promise that this venerable publication will next feature  werewolves, and then perhaps (in turn) faeries, goatmen, mothmen, Bigfoot, hellhounds and ogres. Considering that these subjects are my bread and nectar, bringing gnomes to the forefront of public consciousness bodes very well for me and for other writers of Strange. Chuck Sambuchino, I salute you!

Besides, I own a few garden gnomes myself (although Oskar, hero of my novel The Kobold finds them ghoulish) and several times I swear I have seen the one holding the sharp spade twitch a bit when the dog or I walked past.

For the record and for comparison between the garden variety gnome and the real thing, my reference drawing of Oskar the Kobold is below. His story is complete and available, in case anyone wonders.

Oskar, the Kobold, a warrior gnome in America

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